Our package tours do have a fixed price. We like to be honest and transparent, so on this page you will find how we created this price.
The price of a package tour consists of:
- Accommodation (sometimes the meals are included), public transportation costs, entrance fees, workshops costs and costs for other activities (unless stated differently)
- Salary of our tour manager in Accra (15€ each tour day to stand by in case of difficulties)
- Salary of your tour guide (50€ each tour day plus accommodation, meals and transportation budget)
- Salary of our office in The Netherlands
- After this costs we take care of our website costs, promotion costs, other operating costs and also costs in order to improve the skills of our manager and tour guides.
Touring with The Ghana Traveller really means you are contributing to the Ghanaian economy. You directly support our tour manager and your tour guide, and we also prefer to stay in locally owned accommodation and/or accommodation that support the local community. We choose our accommodation and activities carefully.
It is also very important for us to invest in our tour guides. The work experience they get and the new skills they will develop with us can also be used for other (future) jobs. In the future we would also like to start a fund to be able to (financially) support Ghanaians to travel too.
Read more about our vision and how we work. If you have any questions about the prices of our package tours, kindly let us know.